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dc.contributor.authorКондратенко, Олександр Миколайович-
dc.contributor.authorМузика, Б.-
dc.contributor.authorБоцмановська, О.-
dc.contributor.authorПодоляко, Н.-
dc.contributor.authorКапінос, Є.-
dc.identifier.citationTaking into account the emission of fuel vapor and carter gases as pollutants in criteria-based assessment of ecological safety level of vehicle exploitation process [Text] / O. Kondratenko, B. Muzyka, O. Botsmanovska, N. Podolyako, E. Kapinos // Матеріали Міжнародного наукового симпозіуму SDEV’2020 «Сталий розвиток – стан та перспективи» (19 – 22 лютого 2020 р., НУ «Львівська політехніка»). – Львів: НУ «Львівська політехніка», 2020. – С. 169 – 172.ru_RU
dc.description.abstractFor implementation of assessment of magnitudes of indicators of ecological safety (ES) level of exploitation process of power plants (PP) with reciprocating internal combustion engines (RICE) which not equipped, firstly, with carter venting system of carter gas (CG) suflation sy-stem and, secondly, equipped with fuel tanks that are reusable packaging for storage of che-mically reactable, fire and explosive dangerous and toxic fluids, its rationale to use the mathe-matical apparatus of complex fuel-ecological criterion Kfe of Professor I.V. Parsadanov (NTU «KhPI») which described in monograph and improved in monograph that developed on the basis of provisions of the methodica.ru_RU
dc.publisherЛьвівська політехнікаru_RU
dc.subjectpower plantsru_RU
dc.subjectreciprocating internal combustion enginesru_RU
dc.subjectecological safetyru_RU
dc.subjectcarter gasru_RU
dc.titleTaking into account the emission of fuel vapor and carter gases as pollutants in criteria-based assessment of ecological safety level of vehicle exploitation processru_RU
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