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dc.contributor.authorШевченко, Роман Іванович-
dc.description.abstractThe paper analyzes the impact of urban areas on the state of water objects which are under the influence of these areas. Furthermore, the temporal regularities of the oscillations in electrical conductivity in a number of water objects in Lozova Town and Lozova District (Ukraine) were obtained using the method of conductometry. It was discovered that there was no significant anthropogenic impact on the studied water objects in Lozova Town and Lozova District of Kharkiv Region. The fluctuations in conductivity are mainly related to surface runoff. It was shown that the water in Lozova Town and Lozova District is characterized by electrical conductivity values in the range from 2000 μS to 3000 μS.ru_RU
dc.subjectwater object electrical conductivity anthropogenic impact pollutionru_RU
dc.titleAssessment of the Impact of Natural and Anthropogenic Factors on the State of Water Objects in Urbanized and Non-Urbanized Areas in Lozova District (Ukraine)ru_RU
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