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dc.contributor.authorКалиновський, Андрій Якович-
dc.contributor.authorВасильєв, Сергій Вікторович-
dc.contributor.authorПотопальська, Ксенія Євгенівна-
dc.contributor.authorTyshkovets, О-
dc.identifier.citationPotopalska, K., Tyshkovets, O., Kalinovskyi, A., Vasyliev, S. (2021). An experimental study on elastic and strength properties of addictively-manufactured plastic materials // Problems of Emergency Situations: Materials and Technologies ІІ. Materials Science Forum. 2021. № 1038. Р. 162–167ru_RU
dc.identifier.otherMaterials Science Forum (Volume 1038)-
dc.description.abstractdditive manufacturing technologies continue to develop extremely fast. Their opportunity of reproducing any given complex geometric form they superior to traditional production technologies. Despite the rapid development and distribution, there are still areas that require special attention for the study of the behavior of materials for 3D printing. This work presents method of defining mechanical property of PLA plastic for 3D printed parts. For this, a full-scale experiment was carried out using specimens created by 3D printing. After carrying out the tensile test, the tensile diagram was determined.ru_RU
dc.publisherMaterials Science Forumru_RU
dc.relation.ispartofseriesMaterials Science Forum;Volume 1038-
dc.subject3D Printingru_RU
dc.subjectMechanical Propertiesru_RU
dc.subjectAdditive Manufacturingru_RU
dc.titleAn experimental study on elastic and strength properties of addictively-manufactured plastic materialsru_RU
Розташовується у зібраннях:Інженерної та аварійно-рятувальної техніки

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