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dc.contributor.authorShkoropatenko, Anton V.-
dc.contributor.authorKolesnikov, Alexander V.-
dc.contributor.authorShwed, Alexander N.-
dc.contributor.authorKudin, Alexander M.-
dc.contributor.authorKirichenko, Igor K.-
dc.identifier.citationBook of abstracts 3rd International Scientific-Technical Conference for Young Scientists (LUMCOS-2013). 18-22 Nov. 2013. Institute for Scintillation Materials, Kharkov, Ukraine. pp. 99-100.ru_RU
dc.description.abstractIt has been shown that scintillation decay time do not depend on energy of compton electron in range of 50 - 450 keV and well coinsides with decay time for photoelectron with 662 keV energy.ru_RU
dc.publisherХарьков: "Институт монокристаллов"ru_RU
dc.subjectNaI:Tl Crystalru_RU
dc.subjectScintillation detecrorsru_RU
dc.subjectdecay timeru_RU
dc.subjectcompton electronru_RU
dc.titleScintillation decay time as a function of energy for Compton electrons in NaI:Tlru_RU
dc.title.alternativeЗависимость времени затухания сцинтилляций от энергии комптоновских электроновru_RU
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